BlackGold Coffee Company, LLC.
BlackGold Coffee Company
Colombia Supremo
17/18 -
Colombia Supremo 17/18 is a bright appearance coffee with a cocoa finish for which Colombian coffee is famous. It is very rich in flavor with a little sweetness and a good strong aroma. Common supermarket coffee is mostly Colombian coffee of lower quality and ground, so it is not fresh and has an acceptable taste. Fresh Colombian coffee is rich in flavor with a cocoa finish or aftertaste. If you are a coffee drinker who likes a good balanced cup of coffee, this coffee is for you. When Colombian coffee is freshly roasted it has a bright acidity, is heavy in body and is intensely aromatic.
Recommend Roast: Bold/French Roast Aroma: Strong Flavor: Medium
Appearance: Balanced and Rich Body: Heavy Fragrance: Rich and Cocoa
Coffee drinkers who drink this coffee may enjoy: Costa Rica SHB EP Estate Tarrazu Costa Rica SHB EP Estate
Indonesia Sumatra Lintong Grade #1 TP Japan Prep.
Economy is mainly based on the harvest of coffee. Coffee was first introduced
to the country of Colombia in the early 1800s. The cultivar of coffee with trade
purposes started since 1835 in Salazar de las Palmas, Norte de Santander and
during all the XX century was the main product of exportation in Colombia.
In 1999 represented 3,7% of the national income and 37% of the sources of
employment. The Colombian coffee, also known as Colombian Mild is
characterized by its soft interior. It is produced only with crops of Coffee Arabica
of several varieties.
The Colombian Coffee-
is a non-
marketing campaign. The federation was founded in 1927 as a business
cooperative that promotes the production and exportation of Colombian coffee.
It currently represents more than 500,000 producers, most of whom are small
family owned farms. Colombian Coffee is a protected designation of origin
granted by the European Union (September 2007) that applies to the coffee
produced in Colombia. The Colombian coffee has been recognized worldwide
as having high quality and distinctive taste. The main importers of Colombian
coffee are United States, Germany, Japan, Holland and Switzerland.